Top 3 Reasons To Buy A Home In A 55+ Master-Planned Community


When adults reach their mid-50's and beyond, it is not uncommon for them to re-think where they live. When children have left the nest and have their own lives, many active adults begin considering selling their current home and moving into a 55+ master-planned community. For many people, a 55+ community is the perfect place to spend their retirement, and the lifestyle offered can be very appealing. If you're 55 or older and are thinking about moving, you should seriously consider looking at properties for sale in local 55+ master-planned communities. Some of the top reasons to move into a 55+ community include:

Variety of Housing Choices

One of the best things about 55+ master-planned communities is the fact that most of them offer something for everyone. When you visit a 55+ master-planned community, you will most likely notice that there are a variety of housing options available. Large 55+ master-planned communities usually have single-family homes, townhomes, and condominiums available for sale, so you can purchase a property that best suits your needs and your budget. In addition, homes in a 55+ community are designed to accommodate older adults, so you won't have to make major changes if you lose mobility as you age.


A 55+ master-planned community typically has a number of amenities that you won't find in normal neighborhoods. Popular 55+ master-planned communities usually have swimming pools, golf courses, fitness centers, and a community clubhouse. When you live in a 55+ master-planned community, you will be able to enjoy all of the amenities any time that you like. People who have already retired really like having access to a number of amenities, since they have the freetime needed to use them on a regular basis. In addition, many 55+ communities are gated and have security guards, making them a very safe place to live.

Sense of Community

When you opt to live in a 55+ master-planned community, you can count on living in a place that has a strong sense of community. Since there are so many amenities, residents often meet their neighbors and form friendships when they regularly see each other at the pool or on the golf course. There are also a lot of different activities held in the community clubhouse, so you can connect with other residents who have similar interests and enjoy the same activities as you do. 

For help with finding options like Leisure World property for sale in your area, contact a real estate agent.


18 August 2020

Real Estate Agents and Brokers Helping You Buy and Sell

If you want to buy or sell property, read this blog to learn how a real estate agent or broker can help you make a successful purchase or sale. We don't work in real estate, but we do know the difficulties of trying to buy or sell without consulting with a real estate agent. We've done our research and we've also spoken with several agents and brokers to get information for this blog. As you read these posts you'll learn about the duties of an agent including showing properties, negotiating prices and preparing contracts. We hope that our blog gives you a better understanding about the responsibilities of real estate agents and how they can help you when buying or selling.