Why You Should Hire A 1031 Exchange Service


As a real estate investor, you might be interested in doing a 1031 exchange. After all, this can be a good option for real estate investors who are concerned about taxes. If you are a real estate investor who is interested in performing a 1031 exchange when selling and buying property, you might be concerned about handling things on your own. Luckily, there are 1031 exchange services out there that help people who are in your position. Even if you are accustomed to handling most matters related to real estate investing on your own, hiring one of these services will probably be worth it to you for the reasons below and more.

You Have a Lot to Lose

Depending on the property that you are selling and the property that you are thinking about buying, you might stand to lose a lot of money to taxes if you don't handle your 1031 exchange in the right way. Even when you factor in the cost of hiring a 1031 exchange service, you could stand to save hundreds or even thousands of dollars by using one of these services and handling your 1031 exchange in the right way. After all, if you make mistakes during the process of exchanging properties, you might have to pay a lot of money in taxes, which might be something that you are hoping to avoid.

The Process Can Be Confusing

You might be used to handling a lot of real estate-related transactions on your own, and you might normally find them to be fairly simple to take care of. However, 1031 exchange transactions can be a lot more confusing, particularly if you don't have much experience with them. There are a lot of people who are involved in the real estate industry but who don't have much experience with handling these types of transactions, too. Therefore, if you want to make things a whole lot easier and a whole lot less confusing, you may want to work with a 1031 exchange service. Then, you can learn more about the process of exchanging properties in this manner, and you can work with professionals who have helped others with these types of transactions plenty of times in the past.

As someone who has invested in real estate, it's smart to learn about 1031 exchange options. However, even if you learn a lot about this option on your own, you should think about hiring a professional 1031 exchange service to help you with getting everything right for the reasons above and more. 


10 September 2020

Real Estate Agents and Brokers Helping You Buy and Sell

If you want to buy or sell property, read this blog to learn how a real estate agent or broker can help you make a successful purchase or sale. We don't work in real estate, but we do know the difficulties of trying to buy or sell without consulting with a real estate agent. We've done our research and we've also spoken with several agents and brokers to get information for this blog. As you read these posts you'll learn about the duties of an agent including showing properties, negotiating prices and preparing contracts. We hope that our blog gives you a better understanding about the responsibilities of real estate agents and how they can help you when buying or selling.